As a user, I'd like the abilty to have external sources populate the selections of custom fields. This would drive data quality and automation.


  • What is the use for this idea? Why & how you think allowing external sources will improve the quality?

  • One use case is to feed in employee/contractor names to a name picker field, regardless of if they are an Agility user. The name picker field allows us to capture who requests or sponsors work. A picker field, rather than a free-form text field would allow us to capture metrics on which leader is originating work.

    Similarly, another use case would be to feed HR organization hierarchy from the source of truth app of Workday as fields to Agility so that users could select which org is sponsoring/accountable for the delivery of the work.

    Another use case is a picker field of CMDB applications. During planning and analysis of epics, it would be helpful to have a mulit-picker field of CMDB IDs to identify impacted technology and therefore impacted teams.