The history feature is rendered less useful by the fact that many changes create entries in the log that do not have change comments eg changing the Status on an editable list or changing ownership. You can ask people to add change comments when they properly edit an item but these little changes tell the real history of the item in the workflow and you have to examine the Details link for each record to work it out.
It would be great if these changes generated simple automated comments like "Changed Status from Done to Accepted" or "Changed Owner from Andrew to Hamish"


  • Agreed. I'm not certain how useful it is to know that someone made some change on a certain date. I find myself hitting the 'details' button expecting details about what was changed, not a snapshot of what it looked like at that time. Fields like To Do and Estimate should be recorded. Actually you're already storing the snapshot, so it should be easy to do a comparison and show us the differences in each field. The only exception might be lengthy fields. 'changed description' might be sufficient, but for others, I'd like to see the before and after values. This includes multiple changes at once: 'changed To Do from 4 to 0 and status from In Progress to Completed'.

  • Also agreed. Seeing some detail in a new column the history table would be great. At the very least I'd like to see which fields changed. EX: "Changed: description, iteration, owner, status, estimate."

  • This would be great! Currently, I must remember to manually enter something about the fields I changed or this isn't clear.

  • Ditto on all of the comments above. This would certainly enhance my productivity, because I currently spend a lot of time updating things ticket-by-ticket and typing in what I'm changing.

  • I'd love comments to be created automatically. I don't trust or expect people to accurately summarize what they changed. Alternatively it would be helpful if one could ask the tool to do a "diff" between any two generations of an element based on the detail history. The real value here would be that the pace of collaboration could increase as people would be more inclined to make a change because they'd have less fear something was lost by the change they made. One could easily see the particular changes that were made.

  • I could definitely use fields that indicate what type of change was made, the old value of the change, and the new value of the change. Particularly with regards to the Kanban Status Name. When the status name changes the system seems to have no tracking of what the previous status name was on any given date. This would make cycle time, and finished item count reports extremely easy to complete. Important feature that needs to be added in order to complete these reports.

  • Does anyone know if this IDEA was ever included in their product backlog?

    This feature is really required for our team who just boarded onto VersionOne.

    I am surprised on why V1 team missed this important aspect when developing a product


  • Just a note: when we look at the details of a change, it indicates which fields have changed by placing a minuscule [+] plus-sign next to it. If you tap this it expands to show the field's previous value. In this way, you can see at a glance all the fields that were changed, but it is pretty finicky to see the before and after.

    For many of the fields (i.e. short ones) it would be useful to see the before and after values displayed next to each other, rather than having to tap the [+] every time. however for the rich text fields that's not going to work. Another way would be to show the current value, with relevant content highlighted as added or removed accordingly.

    That aside, if no change comment is written, it would be good to at least summarize the fields changed (even if that does not include the values, because of the reasons given above).

  • Agree with all previous posts - I think the asset history should display the who, what, when of the changed asset within a single (scroll able) page for efficient visual lookup. (rather then forcing drill down and sifting through fields that weren't changed). But, VersionOne must know which fields changed and which didn't (to place the minuscule [+] plus-sign next to the changed field) -- What table and field is this changed field stored in? How can I access it through the .api? Currently testing with the HIST end point, but don't understand how to filter the entire history results by only changes to a particular field - Instead, it just returns all records where any change was made to an asset on any fields. Looking forward to seeing this feature added.