Some times we need to know the task-id of the deployment and other Global variables to be used in script or command CI's. Would be good if we can get them as placeholders that can be replaced by xldeploy automatically .

Example a placeholder like {{global.task-id}} , where global can be a reserved namespace for XLDeploy


  • Thank you for the request.

    Could please give us some examples of concrete scenarios of how you would use the global variables in the scripts or command CIs?

  • hi Team, here is an example.

    Below is the command used in CI cmd.Command, here i am calling a script (kept as CI dependency) with some arguments to be run on a target server. We need some kind of GUID to create temporary work folders on target machine.

    In command below as an example we are using 'abc-123-xyz-99' as a unique ID that we generate and substitue manually in deployit-xml. But if we can get reference to some predefined environment variables say 'task-id' we can use that similar to dictionary keys

    Existing command :


    Proposed command: