Currently, the lock plugin allows to do block parellel deployments for a specific udm.Environment, a container and udm.DeployedApplication.
It would be great to be able to be able to set this lock at the udm.Application level.
That way, the application can be created via the deploy manifest xml file with that property right from the start.
Our use case is hundreds of applications deploying on the same environment with the same containers.
If we lock at the env or container level, then all applications will be impacted.
It would work if we lock at the udm.DeployedApplication level, BUT that would mean they would have to manually check that box after performing an initial deployment.
by: Integration c. | over a year ago | Deployments
Thank you for the request.
To clarify, do you want to have the ability to set block parallel deployments on a per-application basis, such that you can choose which applications are locked for parallel deployments on the same environment and which ones are not?
In other words, do you want to allow parallel deployments for some applications on the same environment while blocking it for others?
Yes , we want the ability to lock at an application level. This will prevent simultaneous deployment of different versions of same application on an environment.
This change is planned for 24.3 (Fuji) release.
This change is available in the 24.3 beta 5 Early Access release.