Hi Team, as shown in Image for any Authentication Error it shows Message "The username and/or password you have entered is incorrect." and we would like to change it to proper error message based on Error. this Message is right when user enters wrong credential but when they need additional access for release Access than it could be confusing for users as they entering right cred but tool not allowing access.

for Example , when i enable Group based Authentication , when user logins by adding correct credential but if they are not part of certain LDAP group than they still see same error message which is confusing for Users and we would like to update with proper error Message , for Example : "Please Request Access to GG-123-5678 Group for Release Access"


  • Devendra, thank you for bringing up your concern regarding the generic authentication error message displayed to users. We understand that the current message can be confusing for users who are entering the correct credentials but require additional access for Release.

    After discussing your request with our team, we have taken into consideration the security implications of providing detailed error messages. Revealing too much information can potentially pose a risk to the system. However, we do acknowledge the need for more helpful and specific error messaging.

    Considering this, the solution to this idea could be providing the ability to have a customisable error message according to your requirements. This way, you would have the flexibility to tailor the message to the specific needs of your users, e.g., "The username or password is incorrect. Please check the login details or contact your Release administrator to request access to the GG-123-5678 Group."

    Please let us know if that would be a considerable solution. We would wait for broader customer base to upvote this idea.