As a product deployment team we are trying to use the XLD Helm pluggin to deploy applications on K8s instances in accordance to our existing process.
We are currently blocked by the fact that in a deployment containing both K8S.Namespacespec and an helm chart the initial deployment creates only the K8s namespace and doesn't perform the helm deployment. We have to deploy another time to complete a full deployment.

This process is not compatible with an XLR deployment as XLD is only called once.


  • After the Denali release in October 2023, we will investigate whether Helm supports the deployment with multiple parameters specifically related to the namespace.

  • Hello, Have you investigated on the subject ? Will you consider adding a feature on a future release ?

  • Pauline, after analyzing the proposed changes to the existing plugin, it has become evident that such modifications would have a negative impact on our current customers.

    Consequently, we are in the process of exploring the creation of a new plugin, which will not only retain the existing functionality but also incorporate additional features. This investigation is happening now.
    We currently do not know the implementation timeline. We are looking for upvotes in the IdeaSpace.

  • Feature flag will be leveraged to minimize the impact to the current behavior of the plugin. When the flag is enabled, it will be possible to create a Namespace if it does not exist, and additionally deploy. We are planning to implement this change for Erawan General Availability release.

  • Hello,
    thank you for your feedback.
    When is the Erawan General Availability release planned ?
    Best regards

  • Currently planned date is early Q2 2024.

  • This update is accessible in the Early Access 24.1 beta5 version on the distribution side We encourage you to test it and share your feedback with us.