When a task fails, it shoud be very useful to add an option to the "Retry/Skip/Abort" menu to reschedule the task to rerun later.
When we use scripts to poll something it is very resource consuming to use a timer in the script or in the failure handler to wait for a while before we retry the task.
if we get an option to reschedule the task on the UI or in the failure handler script, will use the digital.ai release internal task management and scheduling mechanicm to rerun the task. In case of multiple (hunderds) of releases what continously tries to do something, It is very resource consuming to keep all of this task in "running" state instead of "scheduled"

if we get the task.schedule functionality (https://docs.digital.ai/bundle/devops-release-version-v.23.3/page/release/how-to/using-scheduling-in-scripts.html) in the jython API (taskApi) it's already a good workaround.


  • We think this is a good idea. It appears to involve a somewhat intricate implementation. We'd prefer to wait until we gather more votes before considering it. Currently, our development focus is not in that particular area; otherwise, we might have been able to explore the possibility of incorporating this idea.