Should be a good idea to add a a feature to easily copy the ID of the Folder, Release or Task to the clipboard.
Just add a copy button to the folder list, release list, task list and also the detail screens to copy the ID of the entity to the clipboard.

This should be a switchable feature, or maybe available only for admins.


  • Thank you for the idea.

    Could you provide some specific examples of how admins would utilize this feature and in what scenarios?
    Additionally, how do you currently handle this information and how often do you encounter the need for it?

  • I totally agree! Since the early days of release this would be great feature for us as well.

  • Copy task ID will be available in 25.1 release and in the upcoming Early Access version.

    We will be adding support for copying IDs for template, release, folder once we do some updates to the pages.