I would like the ability to set a status field on a Jython script task. One use case we have is the Jython creates a sub-release, and I currently output the url for it.
It would be nice to have a link to the sub-release displayed in the status text area.
I developed a plugin that makes a api call to another application, and it updates the status text with the url, so from within release you just click the link to see the progress of the other task in the outside tool.
by: Russell L. | about a year ago | API & CLI tools
Thank you for your suggestion. A similar idea has already been proposed https://ideas.digital.ai/devops/Idea/Detail/4107, so we have decided to close this idea and consolidate upvotes into the existing one.
Once we assess this change, we will take your use case into account.
Please feel free to add it to the comments section for consideration.