I am suggesting an enhancement is to better facilitate reporting for the individual project teams during their normally scheduled audits. They need to give proof to the auditors on what was deployed to Production and this enhancement will more easily allow them to do this.
A simple select would create the report...
select start_date, end_date, environment, task_id, concat("https://deploy.optum.com/#/reports/deployments?taskId=", task_id)
from xld_archived_deployment_tasks
where environment like '%Environments/<project>/<environment>%'
and start_date > '<start-date>'
and start_date < '<end-date>'
order by 3,1,2
Note: The variable substitutions are
<project> -- this is the project name (we have our system set up with each project in it's own folder. This may be unnecessary for other installations)
<environment> -- this is the name of the environment
<start-date> -- self evident
<end-date> -- self evident
An example of the result would have lines similar to this which could be put in a csv or an excel file.
12/9/23 5:19 AM 12/9/23 5:20 AM Environments/CMP7/PRDRL ae2ebac2-788a-43e6-98e2-a6acfd7c6389 https://deploy.optum.com/#/reports/deployments?taskId=ae2ebac2-788a-43e6-98e2-a6acfd7c6389
The last item is a URL of the log that can easily be brought up to display the deployment log for any item
What this would be used for is to produce a list out of deployments for each project in a date range so that they can more easily provide proofs of production deploy details during regular audits.
Note: On occasion, we have suffered from the issue where a project team does not see all the items in their deployment report. If this ever re-occurs, a report like this would be unaffected because projects are still able to bring up the individual logs for these items
by: William d. | 11 months ago | Reports & Analytics
In the Deploy -> Reports -> Deployments section, you can currently generate a report containing all the mentioned information, excluding a direct link to the task. In earlier releases, an issue existed where specific deployments were not reflected in the report, but this has been resolved for all supported versions from Deploy 22.1.16 onwards.
Kindly inform us if this now-fixed report, applicable to all supported versions, aligns with your requirements. Regarding the inclusion of Task link in the Audit report, we recommend creating a separate suggestion to make it more accessible for other customers to support through upvotes.