Added a Release task for the Jenkins plugin for scan multibranch.
This is to triggrer the build job without the branch name but this logs are Jobbuildname/indexing
by: de monplanet c. | 10 months ago | Integrations
by: de monplanet c. | 10 months ago | Integrations
Added a Release task for the Jenkins plugin for scan multibranch.
This is to triggrer the build job without the branch name but this logs are Jobbuildname/indexing
by: de monplanet c. | 10 months ago | Integrations
Could you provide additional details regarding the use case, particularly regarding the structure of job builds and branch organization?
Additionally, could you elaborate on the parameters or attributes employed to initiate these builds?
A build Jenkins can be a 'Multibranch pipeline'.
That it is connect to the repo git with more than one branch.
When the devolopper creates a new branch on the repo git.
There is a link 'scan mltibranch' on jenkins ui on the root path of build jenkins.
Our use case is a CI worflow defined in Release.
This action must be automated in Release for the workflow to continue.
No interruption for this manual action in jenkins.
When Release launches a new build Jenkins with specific branch, it execute this url
and parse the log
for scan mltibranch
and parse log
Jenkins_server/job/JOBNAME/indexing/consoleText --> the line last one it is result.
We are planning to implement this as part of the upcoming Fuji release. We will share updates via Early Access releases for your feedback.
This change is available in 24.3 release.