I'd like to suggest adding Folder Properties to Release.
*Current Problem State*
I have dozens of Product folders under my top Organization folder and the list can only be filtered by text in the Name.
- I had to add a "smart key" to each product name in order to organize them into groups of Products related to each sub-organization.
- I am avoiding using "sub-folders" due to:
-- moving folders is restrictive.
-- these products can move and split to different sub-organizations which impacts operations costs with moving sub-folders around.
-- I want to avoid performance issues.
Add the ability to assign Tags to the folders
- Folders could be filtered by the same Tags that are used to filter for the templates and releases.
- This will help in a consistent "search" experience across features.
I believe in order to allow for this a new "Folder Properties" feature would be needed.
by: Adam R. | 11 months ago | User interface
Adam, we appreciate your idea submission. Since it originated in our Agility IdeaSpace, it took some time for us to locate and transfer it to the DevOps (Release and Deploy IdeaSpace).
Kindly use the following page https://ideas.digital.ai/devops to submit ideas related to Release and Deploy.
Currently, we are investigating methods to simplify the process of moving folders via both the UI and API, along with their associated entities.
Your detailed use cases provided in another idea (https://ideas.digital.ai/devops/Idea/Detail/3959) are greatly valued.
Regarding this idea:
1) If the feature for moving folders were available, would you still perceive a need for Folder tags?
2) When you mentioned, "Folders could be filtered by the same Tags that are used to filter for the templates and releases," are you suggesting that the Folder list could be filtered by:
a. both Release tags and Template tags, (existing ones)
b. dedicated tags for Folders, (new functionality)
c. or perhaps both simultaneously?