We use deploy to deploy components (binary and/or text files) to zos-Systems. Here we have some problems with codepage definitions between the different OS systems.
1) Feature Request: connectionType „SSH“
This connection type should combine the connectionTypes “SCP” and “SFTP”.
It should transfer binary files as “SCP” ( without codepage conversion ) and text files ( including scripts ) as “SFTP” ( with codepage conversion ). Since both protocols are SSH based no duplicate credential definitions / ports / server names are needed.
The definition, what is a text file and what is a binary file can be derived by the artefact definition ( e.g. a new flag in the artefact definition ).
In order to transfer binary and text artefacts to a server only one infrastructure definition must be provided.
2) Feature request: Archive consisting of text files.
This type of artefact is an archive ( zip, tar,… ) which consists of text files that must be codepage converted when transferring to the target server. This feature allows to provide multiple text files as an archive, which massively simplifies the configuration of an application. I would prefer to have a flag for the artefact type file.folder, which indicates that a provided file.folder artefact only consist of text files.
If this flag is set ( default = not set ) this artefact must either be transferred in binary mode to the server, extracted and then each extracted file must be codepage converted or the archive must be extracted before transferring to the server and then each extracted file must be transferred in text mode ( including codepage conversion ).
3) Feature request: cmd2.Command must always be codepage converted
Command files must always be codepage converted ( especially for target system z/OS ).
This feature is a no brainer combined with feature request “connectionType “SSH””
by: Christian H. | 7 months ago | Deployments
Thank you for the idea. We will be investigating this change after 24.3 release.
This change is planned for 25.1 release.