Currently we have a Home Screen for the Release instance which is essentially a configurable dashboard highlighting Templates, Releases, Workflows etc and some Banners tiles for informational aspects.
We should have the same capability for Folders as well. Each folder should have a Home Screen which highlights Releases, Templates, Workflows, potentially even DORA metrics for that Folder and all its child subfolders etc.
The key reason for this need is Folder represents some level of Organisational structure and we need to be able to provide some / all of the below based on user preferences
1. Information of what the folder represents from an organisational perspective to all its users
2. Key Templates
3. Applications based on the Template linkages to the Application object
4. Key Workflows from the folder
5. Risk based Releases view.
6. Potentially also show DORA view for that folder related Applications and Releases
In a large organisation the Release instance Home Screen is too much at a high level and a folder level Home Screen is more contextual and relevant to their day to day operational interactions with the platform.
Structurally there should be Home link at the top of the left pane for the Folder view.
When we click on a Folder, it should by default open to the Folder Home Screen.
I do understand that the Home Screen needs to be quick to render from a performance perspective, Hence please choose wisely as well.
by: Sijy P. | 6 months ago | User interface
Thank you, Sijy, for the idea. We will closely monitor the upvotes and are eager to learn how customers might utilize it.
For cases where a Folder represents an organizational structure, we discussed that each Folder's Home page could have customizable elements configured by users with the Folder Owner role, limited to that Folder and its Subfolders. These Home pages might differ from one Folder to another.