All users that want to copy a template or templates from a source folder to a target folder that will OVERWRITE any existing templates.
* The OVERWRITE feature is the SAME one that is done with using GitOps / Folder version control as well as the XL CLI interface.
* The ask is to provide the ability to OVERWRITE the existing template via a Jython Task or an Actual Release Task option.
- allow moving a list of templates
- keep dependency - Move all Templates that are called via the Create Release Task from the other Templates within the list.
- Example:
-- Template "Private Endpoint" is called by "Storage Account", "Web App", and "Func App"
-- All templates are selected to be moved.
-- Process will move "Private Endpoint" first and then move the other three.
by: Adam R. | 5 months ago | Templates & Releases
We understand that you're requesting the ability to copy a template from the release flow, and that this is not related to changes for GitOps. Is our understanding correct? Could you also share the use cases where copying templates as part of the release flow is needed?
In the scenario you mentioned, which involves copying tasks with dependencies, if the templates from 'Create Release' tasks are stored in different folders, would you prefer to retain the original folder structure when copying, or consolidate all templates into a single folder?
Retain the original folder structure for us.
Our scenario is as follows:
- two template folders
1. Cloud Resource Patterns - Limited number of templates that build an Azure platform
2. Cloud Infrastructure Services - Many templates that can be called individually and called from templates in both folders.
- Development process
1. All developers create their own Template Development folder using the above structure.
2. When ready to move templates to the "DEV" folder for testing, we want to move the modified folders all at once and retain the same directory structure.