• Votes


    Setup a proxy with authentication on Android devices

    Hi, We are implementing a VPN solution to allow access to internal websites to test from devices in ContinuousTesting. on IOS, we can define the username/password for ...
  • Votes


    Enhance iOS Cleanup to the delete downloaded files

    If users are downloading files on iOS they are still present to other users - this could be an issue. Request: - enhance the iOS Cleanup to delete the files from the ...
  • Not Planned


    Set Manual Proxy Host Name Setup for IOS

    The ability to set proxy in edit device for IOS. This feature exist for android. This will improve network stability and allow specific devices to have unique network ...
  • Planned


    Add support of CarPlay testing to the cloud

    Since, the Android Auto and CarPlay are becoming the standard way of using the mobile applications while driving, we critically need to have possibility to test our app ...
  • Votes


    Important Accessibility features like "Zoom", "Display, "Text size" & ...

    Request :- Accessibility features like "Zoom", "Display & Text size", "Motion", "spoken control", "audio description", "pointers control", "subtitle & Captioning" & "Live ...
  • Votes


    Able to add an external device from a machine out of the datacenter

    We would like to be able to add an external device from a machine out of the datacenter . I.E an user computer could be able to setup a disposable device for a specific ...