• Planned


    Add support for plugin manager repositories Nexus alternatives ...

    When looking to setup an official plugin repository mirror for airtight environments following this doc ...
  • Planned


    Can not add a widget "Agility" in Release

    As we can do with other tools (like JIRA for exemple), we want to add in our release dashboard some informations coming from Agility.
  • Planned


    Add option to the release screen ato go to the source template (that ...

    When I run a release, and encounters with a problem, usually I have to open the related template. It shoud be easier if we have a short 'open template" button somewhere ...
  • Planned


    Parallel Phase like Parallel Group

    In Digital Release, some group like (QA, Ops) would like to advance in parallel phase to go faster. With parallel group, if we have a lot of task, it's not easy to see ...
  • Planned


    Need checkmarx1 integration in Digital.AI Release

    Hi, We are at version v23.1 Digital.AI Release, we are currently using checkmarx plugin and it working fine without any issue and we planning to migrate from checkmarx ...