• Votes


    [XLRelease] Add support for Runners to run on other Container ...

    Kubernetes is a widely used container platform but definitely not the only one used. Having the ability to run XLRelease Runners on straight Docker/Podman or even ...
  • Votes


    Selective archiving of any completed release.

    Right now archiving of the completed release is based on elapsed time that is set after which the completed release is automatically archived. In order to clean up the ...
  • Not Planned


    Dai Release - archive a Release on demand

    Be able to archive a Release on demand. Our release archiving strategy is 30 days. But we would like to archive a release because it prevents the deletion of a ...
  • Votes


    Official Dynatrace plugin for Digital.ai Release

    Hello, Our Digital.ai Users ask to have an updated/official Dynatrace plugin to : - Get status of Synthetic - Launch Synthetic on demand - Activate/Deactivate Alerting ...
  • Planned


    Request for Inclusion of Slack and Confluence Plugins in Official ...

    We are in the process of upgrading our Release instance to version 24.1, which requires an upgrade to Java 17. During our preparations, we discovered that Slack and ...
  • Votes


    Easier certificate management in Deploy

    It's difficult to manage certificate key stores in Deploy. It would be helpful to have an easier way to manage certificates.
  • Planned


    How release runners can get their images from custom registry ...

    Hi, By default, the runner is creating a container with a base image that is pulled from docker.io In our case, we want to use a custom registry (nexus for example) to ...
  • Not Planned


    Fail Jira task if connection to Jira server is not working

    We have several 'Jira - Check issue' tasks that hang because they do not "sense" that the issue on Jira side has already reached the desired status. This can be led ...
  • Votes


    MFA support in Digital.ai Release

    In the White House Executive Order 14028 for cybersecurity, MFA was required for a software development environment. Digital.ai Release, as a release orchastration tool, ...
  • Votes


    Automated way to clean up 'ghost tasks'

    When using Deploy, sometimes tasks end up in Failed or Unknown state and pollute the system. They also prevent us from doing an upgrade. It's possible to manually abort ...
  • Votes


    Add validation to form element

    When using "User Input task" od Custom task I'd like to be able to specify complex forms with validation to avoid users submitting incorrect values. Now I have to use ...
  • Votes


    Notify all users in a group

    When a task is assigned to a group, everyone in that group should receive a notification (Task exemple : CORE:Gate).
  • Planned


    Argocd Plugin Enhacement

    Hello, Our Digital.ai Release users asks to have these 3 new features on Argocd plugin: 1- Add "Prune" option in "Sync Application" Task ...
  • Planned


    Easy Copy Folder/Release/Task ID to clipboard - Feature flag

    Should be a good idea to add a a feature to easily copy the ID of the Folder, Release or Task to the clipboard. Just add a copy button to the folder list, release list, ...
  • Votes


    input validation on input variables

    When creating a Release, it would be good to have a way to validate the input in some way. Maybe something that insures the input in a text field matches a regex before ...
  • Votes


    Gitops Cherry-Picking

    All D.ai users that want to copy a template or templates from a source folder to a target folder that will OVERWRITE any existing templates. * The OVERWRITE feature is ...
  • Votes


    Extend UI to enable chatbot

    Looking to extend the chatbot for release product something like "ASK ME" to integrate with some AI capabilities.
  • Votes


    DORA Dashboard in Release Essentials

    It is critical to have the DORA dashboard as an inbuilt and configurable dashboard in the base Release product ( and not as part of the lenses) . The lenses can offer a ...
  • Votes


    "get to data for support" from all the cluster

    Actually the "get to data for support" cannot catch the log from all the cluster nodes and its limited to the node that uses in that moment by Digital.ai user
  • Votes


    Release Failure Handler

    In digital.ai Release could we have a failure handler on the release (i.e.: when a release fails, execute some tasks, to ensure clean up and close related items). This ...