• Votes


    Allow Teams to include other Teams

    In the "Teams & permissions", it would be helpful if a Team can include another Team. This can provide a more simplified permission configuration without duplication. ...
  • Not Planned


    AZUL ZULU JRE support

    We need support for AZUL ZULU JRE support instead of OPEN JDK( our security team identified many vulns with openjdk)
  • Planned


    Parallel Phase like Parallel Group

    In Digital Release, some group like (QA, Ops) would like to advance in parallel phase to go faster. With parallel group, if we have a lot of task, it's not easy to see ...
  • Planned


    Stablize support for usage of AWS Role / external_id as credentials ...

    As discussed over some support tickets, it was mentioned that this option though availalbe in product, is still not officially supported till xldeploy version 24.x. ...
  • Votes


    have some way to search the script output through all releases/archive

    We have lots of releases that include remote unix script output. It would be very useful for us to be able to include this content in a search of the releases/archive.
  • Votes


    Bulk task Completion in release

    In the current state, as you/we know that gate/manual tasks can only be actioned from the individual pipelines, that works well for small, independently operating teams. ...
  • Not Planned


    Deploy/Release plugin validator should provide details on why a plugin ...

    With Deploy (and Release) 24.X, there is a plugin validation script included to check that any plugins are compatible with JDK17. The final output from this is something ...
  • Votes


    Add ability to send Slack message/notifications with the builtin ...

    Hi, It would be very useful for Release to have an integration with Slack so that instead of sending email notifications it sends Slack notifications. I am talking about ...
  • Not Planned


    Release support for MySQL utf8mb4 character set

    We would like to request the addition of support for the utf8mb4 character set in the MySQL database for the Release application. Apart from the fact that utf8mb3 is ...
  • Votes


    Home Screen for Folders

    Currently we have a Home Screen for the Release instance which is essentially a configurable dashboard highlighting Templates, Releases, Workflows etc and some Banners ...
  • Votes


    Reload Open Tasks from Template in Running Releases

    In some situations it would be extremely time-saving to have a button in a release that allows you to reload changes from a template. This would only affect the open ...
  • Votes


    Make UDeploy plugin as official plugin

    We are currently running Digital.AI Release v24.1.2 and UDeploy v8.0.0.1 and UDeploy plugin is not working in our digital.ai release instance. The UDeploy plugin is not ...
  • Votes


    Software appln release documentation verification related plugin

    do we have any plugin which can do go to an web appln and based on providing the documentation ID, need to verify the status of document and version . e.g. in ...
  • Votes


    Release - Folder View Search by Tag (Folder Properties)

    I'd like to suggest adding Folder Properties to Release. *Current Problem State* I have dozens of Product folders under my top Organization folder and the list can only ...
  • Votes


    Rest Response custom content

    Hi digital.ai, We would like to send custom response-content without the mandatory JythonResponse format. Currently, all plugins in digital.ai release with a rest-api ...
  • Votes


    Monitor task manager queue metrics

    Hi digital.ai, We would like to monitor the current digitail.ai release load task load measured by the tasks listed in the task manager view. digital.ai Release Task run ...
  • Votes


    Possible values of variable updated based on selected value(s) for ...

    One of the things we've hit more and more in the last couple of years with Release is the inability to determine the possible values of a variable depending on the ...
  • Votes


    Folder creation date visible to Admins in the UI.

    Hi, We have alot of folders which have been created in different environments over time and parsing logs is not possible. It will be good to have information opened up ...
  • Votes


    Add the installation date on the installed plugin interface and the ...

    As an administrator i need the date of installation/update plugin for administration purposes
  • Votes


    Filter release by another user id

    We suggest to add a filter on release interface to just show the release started by another user using his id