• Votes


    Automated way to clean up 'ghost tasks'

    When using Deploy, sometimes tasks end up in Failed or Unknown state and pollute the system. They also prevent us from doing an upgrade. It's possible to manually abort ...
  • Votes


    Deploy should be aware of changes in infrastructure

    In Deploy you need to model your infrastructure. However, it is not aware of changes in the target environment. Changes that accrue need to be manually updated in the ...
  • Planned


    Support for YAML fragments and multiline values

    DAI Dictionary support for YAML fragments and multiline values/ structural configuration Tried to define such Dictionary but failed to populate helm config file ...
  • Planned


    configuration settings for zos-deployments in deploy

    We use deploy to deploy components (binary and/or text files) to zos-Systems. Here we have some problems with codepage definitions between the different OS systems. 1) ...
  • Planned


    Improve Performance of the file.Folder deployment type

    We are experiencing a degradation in deployment speed on applications with heavily nested directory structures after adopting file.folder. We had been using ...
  • Votes


    Patch Dictionary Support to other types of deployments

    Patch dictionaries are only supported for Kubernetes and OpenShift. It would be really helpful if this can be extended to other deployment models too.
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    Availability of Some Global variables (like task_id, installation path ...

    Some times we need to know the task-id of the deployment and other Global variables to be used in script or command CI's. Would be good if we can get them as ...
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    Move Vault CI out of configuration section

    Currently, if anyone wants to be able to retrieve secrets from vault, they need to configure a CI 'secrets.hashicorp.vault.Server' in the configuration section. However, ...
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    Delayed Dictionary Evaluation

    This is a technical question related to what is possible to accomplish in a plugin and may require a developer to help answer. From testing we have found that it appears ...
  • Votes


    [DevOpsAsCode] Introduction of force flags for delivery with delete ...

    Hi Team, some small additions to override the dafault XLD behaviour for devopsascode use-case. Additional flexibility is useful especially in cases where the XLD is ...