• Planned


    Add FAILING state to Gate Task

    The gate task does not fail if a release it monitors (added as a dependency) fails. This makes monitoring 10-20 subreleases quite hard. Monitoring subreleases would ...
  • Votes


    Add wait for release option to Create Release Task

    It would be very useful to have an option in the Create Release task to wait for the release it created to finish, something similar to the option of starting the release ...
  • Votes


    Gitops Cherry-Picking

    All D.ai users that want to copy a template or templates from a source folder to a target folder that will OVERWRITE any existing templates. * The OVERWRITE feature is ...
  • Votes


    Generative Unit Tests for Release Templates

    Digital.ai Release Templates are easy to design and allow for multiple tools to integrate in organized process/flows. As our templates grow, so do the inputs, number of ...
  • Planned


    Parallel Phase like Parallel Group

    In Digital Release, some group like (QA, Ops) would like to advance in parallel phase to go faster. With parallel group, if we have a lot of task, it's not easy to see ...
  • Votes


    Release Failure Handler

    In digital.ai Release could we have a failure handler on the release (i.e.: when a release fails, execute some tasks, to ensure clean up and close related items). This ...
  • Votes


    xlr-create-release-tasks - add reference variable type

    Hello, I need the reference variable type in the "Create Release" task. Because this task must call a child template stored in a variable (${template_child}). The ...
  • Votes


    New Permission "Skip a Phase" &. be able to skip a phase

    We need to be able to Skip a Phase and a separate permission for the same would help.
  • Votes


    Gates that what until specific boolean variables are true

    Currenlty gates can only what on dependencies or on conitions that have to be hooked manually by a user. We would like to have a third option to open/complete a gate. We ...
  • Votes


    Selective archiving of any completed release.

    Right now archiving of the completed release is based on elapsed time that is set after which the completed release is automatically archived. In order to clean up the ...
  • Planned


    Capability to populate the "Create new release" panel with variables ...

    BlueShieldCA has the following use case: Users create a release from a template and proceed to enter values for several dozen required variables on the "Create new ...
  • Votes


    Reschedule Tasks

    When a task fails, it shoud be very useful to add an option to the "Retry/Skip/Abort" menu to reschedule the task to rerun later. When we use scripts to poll something it ...
  • Votes


    Get ${release.owner} value with time schedule trigger

    Hello, I have a "Time: Schedule" trigger which launches my template and in the execution of this template, the "${release.owner}" variable is not valued, it is empty. ...
  • Not Planned


    Dai Release - archive a Release on demand

    Be able to archive a Release on demand. Our release archiving strategy is 30 days. But we would like to archive a release because it prevents the deletion of a ...
  • Votes


    filter release by template

    In a template or Releases field, add a filter release by template. List all release created by a template
  • Not Planned


    Allow users to rerun a release with the same variables

    It would be wonderful for testing if a user could rerun a release with the same variables provided. When testing I am often using the same set of provided variables on ...
  • Votes


    Overdue handler

    Similar to the failure handler for a task, I would like to suggest an overdue handler. This will be executed when the expected duration has been exceeded. This will ...
  • Votes


    Reload Open Tasks from Template in Running Releases

    In some situations it would be extremely time-saving to have a button in a release that allows you to reload changes from a template. This would only affect the open ...
  • Votes


    Filter release by another user id

    We suggest to add a filter on release interface to just show the release started by another user using his id
  • Votes


    Possible values of variable updated based on selected value(s) for ...

    One of the things we've hit more and more in the last couple of years with Release is the inability to determine the possible values of a variable depending on the ...