• Votes



    Navigation hotkeys would be great. Also being able to close a task with a key. I think that keyboard shortcuts would be very handy in many situations.
  • Planned


    Add tasks to sonarqube plugin

    I propose to add these 3 tasks in digital.ai Release sonarqube's plugin as it was required by our clients: 3 tasks :  Get Issues  Get Measures  Get Project Analyses ...
  • Votes


    Digitalai Deploy tool helm charts to use tags

    Hi Deploy Team, We had created a support ticket earlier last year on including tags for helm.Config type so that we can create one helm.Chart for different regions that ...
  • Votes


    Reminders for incomplete Release tasks requiring user actions

    Some of our releases require manual approvals or variable entries. These are generally completed quickly, but sometimes folks lose track and they sit until someone checks ...
  • Planned


    Improve Performance of the file.Folder deployment type

    We are experiencing a degradation in deployment speed on applications with heavily nested directory structures after adopting file.folder. We had been using ...
  • Votes


    Permissions for skipping task

    Like we can control editing tasks, properties, scripts etc from permissions. Can we have a control for even "Skip Task", so that we can prevent certain team to skip a ...
  • Votes


    Active Reactive choice parameters

    Hi Team, Just checking on, is there any options in XL-Release for active and reactive choice parameters Actually we have them in Jenkins where we can have customized ...
  • Votes


    Ability to Create custom task groups in the UI that can be used in ...

    As a Digital.ai Template creator, I would like to be able to define a set of tasks that do something such as start application ( which in my case involves calling startup ...
  • Votes


    Quick option to disable task

    Would it be possible to add a disable option to any task? While developing a template, I am often working with different versions of jython code, and running a release ...
  • Votes


    Patch Dictionary Support to other types of deployments

    Patch dictionaries are only supported for Kubernetes and OpenShift. It would be really helpful if this can be extended to other deployment models too.
  • Not Planned


    XL-Deploy REST API for deployed aplications

    XL Deploy Rest api for deployed applications do not list all deployed applications with the time. It list only few applications when using api. Out of that each ...
  • Votes


    Feature Flag integrations and Feature Flag dashboard

    Feature flags are a key part of modern agile product delivery model. Currently The Release platform does not have any support for Feature Flags nor does it provide any ...
  • Votes


    Remote Completion Plugin : IMAP server

    We are interested in using Remote Completion Plugin but in my company we are not allowed to use IMAP server. Can you please provide other alternatives. IMAP is more of an ...
  • Votes


    Unit-Test Release Templates

    We would be highly delighted if there will be a Unit-Test Option for Release Templates in the future. At the moment, we are testing our release processes/Templates by ...
  • Votes


    Allow Teams to include other Teams

    In the "Teams & permissions", it would be helpful if a Team can include another Team. This can provide a more simplified permission configuration without duplication. ...
  • Planned


    Stablize support for usage of AWS Role / external_id as credentials ...

    As discussed over some support tickets, it was mentioned that this option though availalbe in product, is still not officially supported till xldeploy version 24.x. ...
  • Votes


    Bulk task Completion in release

    In the current state, as you/we know that gate/manual tasks can only be actioned from the individual pipelines, that works well for small, independently operating teams. ...
  • Not Planned


    Deploy/Release plugin validator should provide details on why a plugin ...

    With Deploy (and Release) 24.X, there is a plugin validation script included to check that any plugins are compatible with JDK17. The final output from this is something ...
  • Votes


    Home Screen for Folders

    Currently we have a Home Screen for the Release instance which is essentially a configurable dashboard highlighting Templates, Releases, Workflows etc and some Banners ...
  • Votes


    Software appln release documentation verification related plugin

    do we have any plugin which can do go to an web appln and based on providing the documentation ID, need to verify the status of document and version . e.g. in ...