• Votes


    Add validation to form element

    When using "User Input task" od Custom task I'd like to be able to specify complex forms with validation to avoid users submitting incorrect values. Now I have to use ...
  • Not Planned


    Allow bulk operations on multiple tasks/phases in Release

    It would be good in the Release flow / template UI to be able to select multiple objects (phases or tasks) and allow some bulk changes on them such as deletion or skip. ...
  • Votes


    Audit Reporting Enhancement for XL Deploy

    I am suggesting an enhancement is to better facilitate reporting for the individual project teams during their normally scheduled audits. They need to give proof to the ...
  • Votes


    Rest Response custom content

    Hi digital.ai, We would like to send custom response-content without the mandatory JythonResponse format. Currently, all plugins in digital.ai release with a rest-api ...
  • Votes


    Monitor task manager queue metrics

    Hi digital.ai, We would like to monitor the current digitail.ai release load task load measured by the tasks listed in the task manager view. digital.ai Release Task run ...
  • Votes


    "get to data for support" from all the cluster

    Actually the "get to data for support" cannot catch the log from all the cluster nodes and its limited to the node that uses in that moment by Digital.ai user
  • Votes


    Add the installation date on the installed plugin interface and the ...

    As an administrator i need the date of installation/update plugin for administration purposes
  • Votes


    The Creation date of user on digital.ai Release

    we need to have the creation date of the user directly on the API of digital.ai Release and in the interface so we can purge properly not used accounts
  • Votes


    Filter release by another user id

    We suggest to add a filter on release interface to just show the release started by another user using his id
  • Not Planned


    Status code for Jython task

    I would like the ability to set a status field on a Jython script task. One use case we have is the Jython creates a sub-release, and I currently output the url for it. ...
  • Votes


    Release - Deliveries: completed percentage of a task

    In digital.ai release in the deliveries I want to set/change/view the already completed percentage of a specific task in a specific phase. Possible usage: - define how ...
  • Planned


    Add support for plugin manager repositories Nexus alternatives ...

    When looking to setup an official plugin repository mirror for airtight environments following this doc ...
  • Votes


    Manage attributes ENV and APP by names and NOT by IDs

    Hello, When we want to use attributes, we have to set : * Application * Environment * Version Quickly we will want to put variables in these 3 fields. The problem is ...
  • Not Planned


    AZUL ZULU JRE support

    We need support for AZUL ZULU JRE support instead of OPEN JDK( our security team identified many vulns with openjdk)
  • Votes


    Delayed Dictionary Evaluation

    This is a technical question related to what is possible to accomplish in a plugin and may require a developer to help answer. From testing we have found that it appears ...
  • Votes


    Move Vault CI out of configuration section

    Currently, if anyone wants to be able to retrieve secrets from vault, they need to configure a CI 'secrets.hashicorp.vault.Server' in the configuration section. However, ...
  • Planned


    Easy Copy Folder/Release/Task ID to clipboard - Feature flag

    Should be a good idea to add a a feature to easily copy the ID of the Folder, Release or Task to the clipboard. Just add a copy button to the folder list, release list, ...
  • Votes


    Reschedule Tasks

    When a task fails, it shoud be very useful to add an option to the "Retry/Skip/Abort" menu to reschedule the task to rerun later. When we use scripts to poll something it ...
  • Votes


    Additional field for Releases to see who strated the release

    It should be useful to see, which user created/started a relelase
  • Votes


    add creator field to templates

    It should be good to see who created (or last edited, or both) for a template. Also this information useful on the template list screen,