• Votes


    Password expiration

    Category: security (-> must have) I want to suggest to implement the feature: password expiration. It would greatly improve security if passwords had to be changed from ...
  • Votes


    "get to data for support" from all the cluster

    Actually the "get to data for support" cannot catch the log from all the cluster nodes and its limited to the node that uses in that moment by Digital.ai user
  • Votes


    Release - Deliveries: completed percentage of a task

    In digital.ai release in the deliveries I want to set/change/view the already completed percentage of a specific task in a specific phase. Possible usage: - define how ...
  • Planned


    Add support for plugin manager repositories Nexus alternatives ...

    When looking to setup an official plugin repository mirror for airtight environments following this doc ...
  • Votes


    Additional Delivery-to-Release communications

    As an XLR user, I would like to have a facility within a Delivery that allows me greater flexibility in communicating with the Releases as Tracked Items active within a ...
  • Not Planned


    Keep mail notification for disabled users option

    We have occasional users that we disable when inactive for some time for security reason. When disabling a user in Release, the user will no longer receive notifications. ...