• Not Planned


    Ability to Check specific word (s) in a field to set another field ...

    We have teams that put invalid data in Text fields and we would like to be able to query it somehow to validate and display error message in the UI.
  • Not Planned


    Add the Ability to Enforce Soft Requirement of values at Close by Type ...

    Add the Ability to Enforce Soft Requirement of values at Close by Type in a Planning Level not at the entire workspace for a planning level. We have a need to enforce ...
  • Not Planned


    Allow for external sources to drive custom field selections

    As a user, I'd like the abilty to have external sources populate the selections of custom fields. This would drive data quality and automation.
  • Not Planned


    Include mobile application version in protection history data

    We need the version of the mobile app that is being protected to be included in the information returned when querying the app history in the following products: Arxan ...
  • Not Planned


    Create a "Teams Group" like "Member Group" to allow groupings of Teams ...

    create a “Team Group” option that several teams could be assigned like the "Member Group" option. This would be a good way to generate another filter on the Dependency ...
  • Not Planned


    Hover over ability for "Tool Tips"

    capability of DAI to configure ‘tool tip’ functionality to show description or written guidance for either OOTB or custom fields in DAI so that users can hover over a ...
  • Not Planned


    As a User I want Agility to automatically create hyperlinks to ...

    if specific issue is mentioned in comments, description, etc. it would be an UX improvement if such mention would be displayed as clickable hyperlink
  • Not Planned


    Accessibility Support, especially for incrementing font size (among ...

    I want to be able to increment font size without losing content space in favor of headers / etc. Major. Font size increment even to 125% does cause the space for the ...
  • Not Planned


    Add an ability to edit conversations

    This one is very strange, not being able to edit conversations seems like huge UX issue. Having to constantly add new comments for updates is tiring
  • Not Planned


    Add an ability to store draft comments/descriptions

    If I accidentally click outside of the ticket all my info that I wrote will be deleted without saving it, resulting in me having to rewrite it all if I missclick
  • Not Planned


    When I copy ticket ID I want it to be stripped from whitespaces

    Copying only ticket ID will add whitespaces before and after ticket ID. This is a nuisance level, but would be appreciated
  • Not Planned


    Carry Forward Feature Description in Storyboard Backlog Items Added

    When creating backlog items in the Storyboard view, the details in the descripiton block should carry forward the information from the parent Feature. This works ...
  • Not Planned


    Bug category

    If a user story has a Bug, i need to pull RCA for this bug but as of now i dont see this option. can you populate RCA options similar to Defect when we select Task=Bug? ...
  • Not Planned


    Defect Category

    Im QA Manager at Allstate India. I want to pull Defects for a specific environment but since below fields are not mandatory, it is getting very difficult to pull the data ...
  • Not Planned


    Bug/ Defect Type

    Can we have Type=Manual and Automation under Bug and Defect? we use Tag to identify Bug/ Defect whether it was found under Manual or Automation but Tags are inconsistent ...
  • Not Planned


    See updates from other users in real time when in the same view, ...

    In VersionOne Agility, we need the ability to see updates from other users in real time when in the same view, without having to manually refresh. This would be valuable ...
  • Not Planned


    View all ideas from a person

    You can see the name / username of a person who submitted an idea. I think it would be nice to be able to click on their name, and see a list of all of their ideas.
  • Not Planned


    Add Epic Percent Complete to the API

    We use the API to pull information from Agility, but Percent Complete on Epics is not an available option. This hurts our ability to get insight into where all our work ...
  • Not Planned


    Update "To Do Hrs" when Efforts are put.

    Update "To Do Hrs" when Efforts are entered by users.