• Not Planned


    Create a "Teams Group" like "Member Group" to allow groupings of Teams ...

    create a “Team Group” option that several teams could be assigned like the "Member Group" option. This would be a good way to generate another filter on the Dependency ...
  • Not Planned


    Include mobile application version in protection history data

    We need the version of the mobile app that is being protected to be included in the information returned when querying the app history in the following products: Arxan ...
  • Votes


    When copying any backlog item strip any prior "cycle time" data ...

    Example: If a story is copied, the cycle time data is inherited on the new story. That causes in correct cycle time data for the new story.
  • Votes


    The Value is in the Details - Include Agility Workitem Description ...

    Currently the Agility Analytics (Datamart) does not include workitem Description field data. There would be value in having that data available for reporting. ...
  • Planned


    analytics: have link ability for Agility Workitems in generated ...

    In Agility, Custom Report 1) Can the Work items Display Id (Story, Defect), Feature, epic be made clickable? (On clicking should open the respective items in Agility on a ...
  • Not Planned


    Add Epic Percent Complete to the API

    We use the API to pull information from Agility, but Percent Complete on Epics is not an available option. This hurts our ability to get insight into where all our work ...
  • Votes


    Discrepancy in Planned End Date between Agility vs Analytics

    We noticed a discrepancy of 'one day' in the Planned End Date between the Agility and Analytics for all the assets. This is causing so much confusion and frustration. I ...
  • Votes


    Add a screenshot (link) of each report on the Reports page so that you ...

    A thumbnail button that would open a screenshot of what each report looks like before you run it so you can see if it is what you are looking for.
  • Votes


    STORY POINTS ON Work Item Cycle Time Histogram

    I'd like the details report from the Work Item Cycle Time Histogram to include the estimated story points with the stories. All teams would benefit as the report is ...
  • Votes


    Custom Report email

    For on-demand hosted customer we would like the From: entry when sending out a Custom Report to be From; the NoReply@hosted.versionone.com or Blank. Have the user logged ...