• Completed


    Deploy an application using Azure App Service Container (Web App for ...

    We need to be able to Deploy an application using Azure App Service Container (Web App for Containers) We are using the latest azure plugin xld-azure-plugin-23.3.1.xldp ...
  • Completed


    Update Azure DevOps plugin

    Azure DevOps plugin is in need of a refresh. Specifically it would be good to be able to send parameter values to ADO using the queue build task rather than just ...
  • Completed


    DevOps - Release Bitbucket Plugin - Allow Task to specify either ...

    We want to use the PAT (aka, Token) option on a BitBucket server, but we want the users of the release to authenticate within the task that uses the server connection. ...
  • Completed



    For an OPS who uses digital.ai release it is important to have a task to revert a commit on his gitlab. can you please add it to the plugin ?
  • Completed


    Add task 'scan Multibranch' to jenkins plugins on Release.

    Added a Release task for the Jenkins plugin for scan multibranch. This is to triggrer the build job without the branch name but this logs are Jobbuildname/indexing
  • Completed


    Bitbucket Server Plugin - Check branch and Branch lock status

    BitBucket server plugin available features are already documented here: https://integrations.digital.ai/integration/xlr-bitbucket-plugin-24-1-2/ This plugin features not ...
  • Completed


    XL Release - Plugin update for wait tasks

    We want to update wait tasks for all templates to include status check of 'Canceled' as well along with 'Closed'. It looks like the current plugin version cannot support ...
  • Completed


    Enhancement of Argo CD plugin

    1. Enhancement of the "Create Application" Action: a. Helm Integration: The inclusion of Helm support in the CreateApplication action is a significant asset. Helm is one ...
  • Completed


    Jboss EAP v8.0 compatibility

    The idea is to have compatibility and support for the new jboss versions through the plugins.
  • Completed


    ServiceNow Digital.ai Release App compatiblity to Vancouver version of ...

    ServiceNow app (for Digital.ai Release) was compatible with Tokyo version of ServiceNow Sandbox. Now I think it is compatible with Utah version as on this site: ...
  • Completed


    Hashicorp Vault Approle integration not working in Digital.ai Release

    Hello, I saw that you had integrated the "approle" authentication method into the Hashicorp Vault plugin for Digital.ai Release. However, in my opinion, several things ...
  • Completed


    Ansible script file in GitHub should be accessible directly within ...

    In the Ansible Playbook task, the script location is expected to be on an Ansible server or allowed to be written directly within the task. I am asking for these Ansible ...
  • Completed


    Enable VSTS plugin to work with Azure DevOps

    As per support ticket: (#217961) Your team has requested that I submit a Feature Request to introduce a new task in the plugin for triggering pipelines, which will ...
  • Completed


    allow lock mechanism at udm.Application level

    Hello Currently, the lock plugin allows to do block parellel deployments for a specific udm.Environment, a container and udm.DeployedApplication. It would be great to ...
  • Completed


    Deploy - helm plugin - More clear error message when Helm Chart can't ...

    Any time the helm client that is used by the helm plugin is unable to retrieve the helm chart from the repository the same error message that does not explain the cause ...
  • Completed


    [Release] Add 2 fields Wait interval and Max retries on Sync ...

    I propose enhacing the ArgoCD plugin in Digital.ai Release by introducing two new configuration fields "maxRetries" and "waitInterval". These additions would empower ...
  • Completed


    Weblogic t3 SSL Parameters

    We currently have issues using t3 connection in Weblogic . Is it possible in XLD to include Weblogic SSL flags like this? ...
  • Completed


    Allow configurable header size for API requests & responses

    In a world of SAML tokens, OIDC, and cookie-utilizing load balancers - Digital AI Release needs to be able to support a configurable maximum header size. Currently, the ...
  • Completed


    XLD terraform plugin

    We have recently updated the Azure storage SAS token in the Terraform backend configuration template. After that our deployments are failing because the XLD terraform ...
  • Completed


    Pagination in user administratoin interface

    In the user administration interface, there is a quick search filter but if the admin doesn't know the username the user cannot be searched. It would be nice to introduce ...