• Votes


    Regression Test

    Add the ability to create custom fields on the Regression Test items. We would like to be able to identify whether the Regression Test is automated, can be automated, ...
  • Not Planned


    Create a "Teams Group" like "Member Group" to allow groupings of Teams ...

    create a “Team Group” option that several teams could be assigned like the "Member Group" option. This would be a good way to generate another filter on the Dependency ...
  • Not Planned


    Include mobile application version in protection history data

    We need the version of the mobile app that is being protected to be included in the information returned when querying the app history in the following products: Arxan ...
  • Votes


    Tracking history for member profile changes

    We would like to have the ability to enable history and/or audit logs on any member profile changes. Currently agility does not capture this information and it is ...
  • Votes


    Easier use for Dependency Board

    While my team was working out dependent stories using the Dependency Board, someone made that comment how nice it would be to do something like right click a story and ...
  • Votes


    Edit Tag field on Closed Assets

    The ability to add Tags to an empty Tag field was added in https://ideas.digital.ai/default/Idea/Detail/431. Thank you! This requests is to add the ability to modify ...
  • Votes


    Security issues with the use of Tokens

    Context of the ask:- Issues with a functionality on Agility platform “Token Issue” We have been notified by our system architect team of the security issues caused by ...
  • Votes


    Ability to mark Ideas private

    Some ideas contain information that is proprietary to either the customer or Digital.ai. We still want to use the Ideas system for tracking and communication, but the ...
  • Votes


    When copying any backlog item strip any prior "cycle time" data ...

    Example: If a story is copied, the cycle time data is inherited on the new story. That causes in correct cycle time data for the new story.
  • Votes


    Ability to sort on Planning Level Role / Owner Name in view

    it would be helpful to be able to sort on role in a planning level instead of having to scroll through the entire list just to see who is a Planning Level Admin for ...
  • Votes


    Regression Planning - Customization of Test Suite and Regression Tests

    As a Product Owner I want to be able to create and customize my teams test suite, so that I can filter only for my teams suite, change the order of items in the test ...
  • Votes


    Easily add team members to a conversation

    We use a Teamroom and Kanban board in Agility and when we are sending messages using the Conversations feature, it would be great to be able to easily add all team ...
  • Votes


    Assign a template to a team for use in team room

    It would be useful to assign a template for stories or defects to a team so that stories or defects created in their team room via the + button at the bottom of the ...
  • Votes


    Assign a template to defects made using the + button at the bottom of ...

    It would be useful for our teams if we could associate a defect template with a team so that when defects are created using the + button at the bottom of a column that ...
  • Votes


    Ability to delete or remove Custom List Types

    Over time custom fields need retired/updated and the ability to rename or delete connect lists makes everything easier to manage
  • Votes


    Display previous story state when clicking link in Activity Stream

    The activity stream could be very useful in stories if a key piece of information gets deleted. Currently I can view that a description was changed, but when I click on ...
  • Votes


    Update Conversation from Story Card (Team Room)

    In our morning syncup (standup for Scrum folks), we frequently update conversations for work that was conducted (or other relevant information) on a story. I'd like to ...
  • Votes


    Make Views shareable via link

    I didnt see my previous request so this is may be repeated: TLDR: We have many different users interacting with Agility and navigation is difficult. People are not ...
  • Votes


    Prevent changes from being over-written in stories and features

    Currently if I open a story/feature and start making changes, but don't save those changes before somebody else makes changes and saves, once I do save the changes it ...
  • Votes


    Accessibility Support in Agility, especially for incrementing font ...

    I want to be able to increment font size without losing content space in favor of headers / etc. Major. Font size increment even to 125% does cause the space for the ...