• Votes


    Assign a template to defects made using the + button at the bottom of ...

    It would be useful for our teams if we could associate a defect template with a team so that when defects are created using the + button at the bottom of a column that ...
  • Votes


    Ability to delete or remove Custom List Types

    Over time custom fields need retired/updated and the ability to rename or delete connect lists makes everything easier to manage
  • Votes


    Display previous story state when clicking link in Activity Stream

    The activity stream could be very useful in stories if a key piece of information gets deleted. Currently I can view that a description was changed, but when I click on ...
  • Votes


    Update Conversation from Story Card (Team Room)

    In our morning syncup (standup for Scrum folks), we frequently update conversations for work that was conducted (or other relevant information) on a story. I'd like to ...
  • Votes


    Make Views shareable via link

    I didnt see my previous request so this is may be repeated: TLDR: We have many different users interacting with Agility and navigation is difficult. People are not ...
  • Votes


    Prevent changes from being over-written in stories and features

    Currently if I open a story/feature and start making changes, but don't save those changes before somebody else makes changes and saves, once I do save the changes it ...
  • Votes


    Accessibility Support in Agility, especially for incrementing font ...

    I want to be able to increment font size without losing content space in favor of headers / etc. Major. Font size increment even to 125% does cause the space for the ...
  • Votes


    Editing your own created ideas in Digital.ai ideas

    When I've created an idea and noticed that valuable details are missing, I no longer can update my idea which carries a risk of it being discarded due to lack of ...
  • Not Planned


    Accessibility Support, especially for incrementing font size (among ...

    I want to be able to increment font size without losing content space in favor of headers / etc. Major. Font size increment even to 125% does cause the space for the ...
  • Not Planned


    As a User I want Agility to automatically create hyperlinks to ...

    if specific issue is mentioned in comments, description, etc. it would be an UX improvement if such mention would be displayed as clickable hyperlink
  • Votes


    Hover over ability for "Tool Tips"

    DAI to configure ‘tool tip’ functionality to show description or written guidance for either OOTB or custom fields in DAI so that users can hover over a Portfolio Item ...
  • Votes


    Bulk Assign Blocking Issue to Stories Filtered by Epics

    It would be a lot easier to be able to bulk assign a Blocking issue to many stories and epics. Scenario is a blocking issue pops up affecting all work that is under an ...
  • Not Planned


    Hover over ability for "Tool Tips"

    capability of DAI to configure ‘tool tip’ functionality to show description or written guidance for either OOTB or custom fields in DAI so that users can hover over a ...
  • Votes


    Ability to view names of saved views created by other users

    When saving a view, you can create a name for it and see it in your saved views. Once that view is shared via link, however, the name is not visible to other users. It ...
  • Votes


    Edit saved views

    Once a view is saved it cannot be edited. Views are often shared between team members and referenced via link so it would be helpful to be able to make changes to these ...
  • Votes


    Add support for Markdown in multi-line text fields

    Most web based tools that take text input, e.g. Github, Slack, Confluence... support Markdown formatted text. Using Markdown would help with contributing to assets in ...
  • Votes


    Filter assets that contain no tags

    Currently the Tag field can only be used as a filter to find assets that have a specific Tag value set. As a user, I want the ability to apply a filter to the Backlog to ...
  • Votes


    improvement: sharing button has missplaced text

    Copy to clipboard text looks like a button (clicking it closes the window) but it does nothing when clicked. I’d expect it to actually update clipboard?
  • Planned


    Bug in team room -> backlog window when selecting checkboxes

    in team room, backlog, if you uncheck the Show Forecast Lines and reload a page, it will re-apply again but checkbox will be unchecked
  • Not Planned


    When I copy ticket ID I want it to be stripped from whitespaces

    Copying only ticket ID will add whitespaces before and after ticket ID. This is a nuisance level, but would be appreciated