• Votes


    Pop-up or Warning When Copying a Portfolio Item

    It would be helpful if there was a pop-up or warning message when a user selects Copy for a portfolio item. The pop-up and/or warning message should let the user know ...
  • Votes


    Enable the ability to select / filter out sprints used in velocity ...

    Every quarter our company devotes a sprint to quarterly planning. Velocity reported for time periods that include one of these sprints inaccurately reflect the true team ...
  • Votes


    Can I add a formula to calculate the value of a custom field based on ...

    Would like an risk custom field with values for impact and probability, that together can be calculated for a risk score custom field.
  • Planned


    Color Code based on values of a field?

    My client's leadership insights on red yellow green indications on risks. Can I define a color based on drop down choices for a custom field?
  • Votes


    Filter Portfolio Items that have no Teams

    As a product owner, I'd like the ability to filter my Portfolio Tree view to only display Portfolio Items that have no teams in the Teams field (not Target Team). This ...
  • Not Planned


    Ability to Check specific word (s) in a field to set another field ...

    We have teams that put invalid data in Text fields and we would like to be able to query it somehow to validate and display error message in the UI.
  • Votes


    Agility - Add a project identifier in the system generated emails

    Agility - Add a project identifier in the system generated emails; allows prioritizing responses; reduce confusion when assigned to multiple projects; saves time in not ...
  • Not Planned


    Add the Ability to Enforce Soft Requirement of values at Close by Type ...

    Add the Ability to Enforce Soft Requirement of values at Close by Type in a Planning Level not at the entire workspace for a planning level. We have a need to enforce ...
  • Not Planned


    Allow for external sources to drive custom field selections

    As a user, I'd like the abilty to have external sources populate the selections of custom fields. This would drive data quality and automation.
  • Votes


    Relational controls on custom (or any) fields

    As a user, I'd like the ability to have relational field controls; meaning the selections in one field are based off of the selection chosen in a separate field. This ...
  • Votes


    Teams asset - Be able to add custom fields

    As a user, I want to be able to add custom fields to the Teams asset. This is so that I can track certain information about the team such as what reporting org they are ...
  • Votes


    Add Ability to Enable/Disable different Asset Types per Planning Level

    As we work to organize our work in Agility, we are finding it desirable to be able to enable/disable different Asset Types (e.g. Portfolio Items, Requests, Stories, ...
  • Votes


    Regression Test

    Add the ability to create custom fields on the Regression Test items. We would like to be able to identify whether the Regression Test is automated, can be automated, ...
  • Not Planned


    Create a "Teams Group" like "Member Group" to allow groupings of Teams ...

    create a “Team Group” option that several teams could be assigned like the "Member Group" option. This would be a good way to generate another filter on the Dependency ...
  • Not Planned


    Include mobile application version in protection history data

    We need the version of the mobile app that is being protected to be included in the information returned when querying the app history in the following products: Arxan ...
  • Votes


    Tracking history for member profile changes

    We would like to have the ability to enable history and/or audit logs on any member profile changes. Currently agility does not capture this information and it is ...
  • Votes


    Easier use for Dependency Board

    While my team was working out dependent stories using the Dependency Board, someone made that comment how nice it would be to do something like right click a story and ...
  • Votes


    Edit Tag field on Closed Assets

    The ability to add Tags to an empty Tag field was added in https://ideas.digital.ai/default/Idea/Detail/431. Thank you! This requests is to add the ability to modify ...
  • Votes


    Security issues with the use of Tokens

    Context of the ask:- Issues with a functionality on Agility platform “Token Issue” We have been notified by our system architect team of the security issues caused by ...
  • Votes


    Ability to mark Ideas private

    Some ideas contain information that is proprietary to either the customer or Digital.ai. We still want to use the Ideas system for tracking and communication, but the ...